When you think about it, it seems surreal that a 60-140 nanometers (nm) virus has brought the world to its knees. The repercussions of the new coronavirus have been eerie. The pandemic brought death and destruction. For most people, it’s the worst year in their life. It has affected more than 43 million people so far. Although 29 million of them recovered successfully, 1.15 million people died. Surely these are sad times. Amidst grief and mourning, we all hope for a better future, where everyone is healthy and looks forward to a future full of possibilities. As a second wave was unfolding in Europe, lockdowns and curfews lined up. The atmosphere of fear and anxiety shook us all to our core. One consequence of this is COVID hair loss.
Most of us take our hair lightly, we never dream of losing it. However, when you lose them, it increases your stress at times like these. The unpredictability of this virus is also quite frustrating. Most of us are already aware of its symptoms by now: dry cough, high fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, headache, diarrhea, loss of smell and taste, and shortness of breath, among others, depending on the severity of the disease.
What is worrying is that even mild symptoms of this virus can cause serious brain disorders. It not only affects the lungs, it also causes blood clots to form in the veins. Even children are vulnerable. Among them, a rare inflammatory response called multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) has been reported. Those with an underlying medical condition are at a greater risk than those who are older.
Close contact with an infected person is largely responsible for the transmission of this virus from one person to another. Respiratory droplets can find their way into your eyes, mouth, or nose if the infected person sneezes, coughs, breathes heavily, or spits out while speaking. Even worse, after SARS-CoV-2 enters the body, our immune system will not know its presence for a while. A virus-infected cell releases a group of proteins called interferons to stimulate neighboring cells. However, this does not happen when this virus attacks the body and allows it to spread widely.
For some people, the coronavirus is persistently causing them pain. Even after recovering from the infection and developing antibodies against it, some experience “chronic fatigue, pressure in the lungs, difficulty breathing” for more than a month. These symptoms can come and go and leave them stuck in a coronavirus uncertainty. Four different syndromes, including pre-intensive care and post-viral fatigue syndrome, can affect long COVID patients, according to a report from the National Institute of Health Research. Individuals infected with the new coronavirus can also develop scarring in their lungs. While performing any physical activity, they easily and quickly become out of breath. The British Medical Association has long described COVID as “an occupational health problem. The virus can also cause permanent damage to organs.
Tough times and we need more empathy. Everyone needs to take more responsibility. You can make a difference by following the health and safety guidelines against coronavirus. Practicing social distancing, using a hand sanitizer that contains more than 60% alcohol, and most importantly, wearing a mask are all things we should do. Thanks to our collective effort, we can quickly recover from this epidemic.
Survivor Corps, a group of survivors of COVID-19 on Facebook, found that 32% of them experienced hair loss in a survey of 3,900 respondents. It was listed as 21 of 101 COVID-19 symptoms in the survey. As far as we know, coronavirus does not directly damage the hair follicles. However, the reason behind COVID hair loss may be the stress it causes. The shyness and isolation of the coronavirus infected individual is painful and distressing. It can make them feel depressed.
Those who are not affected may almost always be afraid of contracting the virus. Of course, this can harm the individual’s emotional and physical health. Many people, who learned that the coronavirus tests were positive, felt severe anxiety thinking about the possible consequences of the disease. Being alone during this time can make people even more scared. With this in mind, some people suffer from a temporary and reversible hair loss condition called telogen effluvium.
Many people lost their loved ones. What’s more, large-scale layoffs and rising unemployment can worry you even more. This will only increase the degree of hair loss. When it comes to this situation, it starts after three or more months have passed since a traumatic event. Those who have undergone surgery, have a serious illness, or have experienced something stressful may lose their hair due to telogen effluvium. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day. However, the rate of hair loss in this situation is higher than the growth rate. You can lose up to 300 hairs in a day. People may take more than six months to fully recover.
Here are a few tips you can follow to deal with COVID hair loss. We hope these will help you take better care of your hair.
Telogen effluvium is not permanent. It may take a maximum of a year to get rid of it. During the pandemic, you should try to stay in your home to protect yourself and others from the virus. Although it is difficult to stay calm and stress-free, you should try to do this by practicing yoga. Moreover, try to control your health and contact a doctor if you feel unwell. You have to make sure you take good care of yourself, both physically and mentally. This can make things better for you.
Plasma-rich platelet protein is produced from the red blood cells of the individual undergoing treatment. These proteins can help promote healing in the area injected. PRP treatment is very popular and effective for promoting hair growth and can even promote the growth of new hair. It is injected into the balding areas of the scalp. It also helps prevent hair loss by increasing the general strength of hair follicles. This will reduce the rate of hair loss. Your scalp is rejuvenated and you can experience increased hair density once again. PRP is a reliable and safe solution for reversible conditions such as stress hair loss.
Longevita does not recommend taking supplements without consulting a doctor. This is because the consumption of the supplement is beneficial for people with deficiency. Overdose of supplements is harmful, so you need to find out if you have a deficiency. Sometimes people suffer from iron, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, among others, without even realizing it. This can cause hair loss. If you combine this with the stress of the coronavirus, you may experience greater hair loss. Vitamins, protein, zinc, and iron can improve the health of your hair. However, be sure to consume it as needed / when needed.
This is one of the best things to do. A healthy diet can strengthen your immune system, which may provide greater protection against the virus. With more time on hand, you can switch from frequent takeout to much healthier homemade food. Sugary, processed and high-sodium foods will certainly not benefit you. From this moment on, you can start making healthy choices. After all, we are what we eat. Make sure you eat a balanced diet with proteins, carbohydrates and good fats.
Vegetables are a must, of course. Fatty, junk food, you should avoid them at all costs. Also, you should reduce your alcohol intake as it can negatively affect your immune system and make you more vulnerable. Finally, don’t eat for a few hours before going to bed and rest well at night.