Teeth Whitening Treatment

A well-groomed smile gives self-confidence.
After the eyes, the smile is often the first thing people look at. A beautiful smile with sparkling white teeth gives confidence. With teeth whitening, a natural result can be achieved as the original structure and shape of the teeth are preserved.
Over the years, the color of your teeth will fade. Of course, this depends on how much you consume discoloring products such as cigarettes, coffee, tea, red wine. These substances cause external discoloration. As a result, teeth turn yellower with age. In some cases, teeth have already discolored due to drug use and/or developmental disorders. These are called internal colorings, internal colorings. In the past, this situation was sometimes solved with coating, but today a solution can be offered with whitening.
Teeth Whitening Systems
Teeth whitening has been used successfully for many years for discolored teeth and molars. There are different systems for teeth whitening. A tooth or molar can be whitened externally or internally in case of a dead tooth. Most systems are provided and/or implemented by the dentist, but you can purchase some resources yourself, either in-store or online. Because these products use very low concentrations, the efficacy is close to zero. It is better to discuss this request with your dentist and have whitening under supervision with safe and good results.
A.Whitening from the outside:
This whitening can be done by the patient on the couch at the dentist or at home:
1.In the dental chair (office whitening)
Teeth and molars are dried with a rubber patch that also protects the gums against the whitening gel. It is also possible to protect the gums by applying a special gel.
The dentist can then apply the whitening gel to the teeth and let it act for a certain period of time. This process can be accelerated with a lamp (laser). Scientists doubt whether light is really the cause of an accelerated whitening effect and instead cite the heat of the lamp as the cause.
2.Home whitening with whitening tray
Another whitening method can be done at home. You can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home by applying the gel to the teeth whitening trays at home.
3.Whitening tray with whitening gel in the dentist’s waiting room
The dentist then uses a whitening gel with a stronger concentration of the bleaching agent (carbamide peroxide). This means you don’t have to hold the spoon for long (1/2 to 2 hours). It is usually necessary to repeat several times. There may be toothache or pain in the gums during the whitening process. Wearing the whitening tray at shorter or longer intervals may relieve the pain. If necessary, the whitening treatment can be interrupted. After the pain is relieved, the whitening process can be continued.
B.Whitening from the inside:
After root canal treatment, the dead tooth can be whitened from the inside. A paste containing a whitening agent is applied to the tooth, and then the tooth is closed with a temporary filling. In the coming days, the tooth will become lighter. Depending on the result, the treatment will be repeated several times. Finally, the tooth is closed with a final filling. For this reason, it is not recommended for live teeth as root canal treatment is required.
Result teeth whitening
The result can be amazing and have a very nice effect on tooth color. After a few years, the teeth return to their original color. Smoking and drinking a lot of coffee or tea accelerate this. Results can be obtained again with re-bleaching. The result can be maintained by bleaching once a month. The result may depend on the cause of the discoloration.
It is important to continue to take good care of your teeth after treatment to ensure that your teeth maintain their beautiful white shade. Take a little extra time each evening to brush your teeth extra well, including between teeth.
The most common causes of tooth discoloration
Aging Process
As age progresses, the dentin layer of the teeth thickens and thickens. This causes the tooth color to darken or turn yellow. In addition, wear and tear thins the enamel layer (or wears away completely in some places), making the yellower dentin more visible. The color of the teeth is also affected by cracks in the enamel, through which the dyes penetrate.
Dead Tooth
For example, as a result of tooth decay or an accident, the living part of the tooth (pulp) can become infected. When this pulp tissue dies, dyes are released from the red blood cells. These blood cells can give the tooth a blue or yellow/gray discoloration. Even after root canal treatment, filling or residual pulp material may cause discoloration.
If teeth are damaged as a result of an accident, a layer of dentin is deposited on the inside of the teeth for repair. This causes yellowing. If the pulp dies accidentally, the blue or yellow/gray discoloration described above may occur.
Drug Use
In young children whose permanent teeth are still developing, the antibiotic tetracycline can cause discoloration. Initially, a yellow color is established, but under the influence of daylight this color turns brown.
Developmental Disorders
The development of teeth and molars takes place in the jaw. Disorders resulting in abnormalities may occur during this development. For example, the structure of enamel and dentin may be different, making it easier for dyes to penetrate. This applies, for example, to fluorosis: due to the very high fluorine concentration during tooth formation, enamel formation in particular is impaired.
Other Reasons
Tooth decay can cause discoloration, this needs to be treated and filled, teeth whitening is not a solution. Translucent gray fills can only be removed by replacing them with white fills. Discolored edges along fillings and crowns are difficult to correct with bleaching, polishing and/or repetition. Tartar and tartar can also cause discoloration, which of course must be removed before bleaching. Regular visits to the dental hygienist will contribute to healthy and clean teeth.