As we age, the teeth and molars darken in color. This is partly due to enamel thinning, discoloration, smoking, drug use, breakage or falling out. Whitening your teeth at the dentist will help you have white teeth again.
Not satisfied with the color of your teeth? White teeth can boost your self-confidence. You will look younger again with a confident smile with white teeth!
Since teeth whitening is gradual, you can control how white your teeth will be. One wants as much white as possible, the other wants a slightly lighter shade of white.
It is impossible to remove tartar yourself with a toothbrush or special toothpaste. Tartar is attached to teeth like a mussel is attached to a ship. Tartar can be between your teeth and even under your gums. It is usually invisible as it is almost the same color as your teeth. Tartar is not always invisible: discoloration of your teeth (for example, yellow/brown) can indicate the presence of tartar.
Tartar consists of food scraps, mucus, and non-removable plaques caused by bacteria. In the long run, tartar is harmful to the health of your teeth and gums. It can cause cavities (cavities) and gum disease. That’s why it’s important to have calculus regularly professionally removed, especially in hard-to-reach or hard-to-reach places yourself. Even if you take good care of your mouth every day, calculus can develop. This is why most people decide to go to the dentist. Of course, it is better to remove calculus at the dentist. Even this is necessary in case of inflammation or when you have a lot of tartar. The dentist removes the tartar with a hook or an ultrasonic device so that the tartar is loosened by vibration. Patients usually find the hook more comfortable because it hurts less. Sometimes teeth are polished because smooth teeth get rid of plaque more easily.
It is an aesthetic treatment that is applied to the teeth and gums that are aesthetically deteriorated for various reasons, taking into account the face shape and needs of the patients, to give a natural and beautiful appearance as much as possible. While determining these procedures, the patient; factors such as gender, age and expectations are taken into account.
First of all, existing decayed teeth and gum diseases are treated. Then, the procedures are determined according to the needs of the patient. These transactions are generally; Gingival level adjustments called pink aesthetics, teeth whitening (whitening) methods, implant and prosthetic applications and the completion of tooth deficiencies, porcelain laminates, zirconium coatings and orthodontic treatments (wire treatment).
Visual and formal defects in teeth are sometimes corrected with aesthetic composite fillings. In cases where this method is not sufficient, porcelain laminate and zirconium coatings can be made. In porcelain laminate applications, either no or minimal abrasion is applied to the teeth. During all these gingival and dental applications and rehearsals, an aesthetic and healthy smile can be designed by considering the lip shape and smile line.
Gum aesthetics, which we call “pink aesthetics” in smile aesthetics, can be considered as the basis of treatment. Pink aesthetics is a form of treatment that expresses adjustments and changes in the structure and color of the gums.
When patients smile, their teeth appear smaller than they should when the gingiva is exposed too much. With “Gum Shaping” we can make these teeth much larger than they are.
Patients with irregular gum lines are also suitable for this procedure.
Tooth loss is prevented.
The length of your teeth is made proportional to the other teeth.
Tooth infections are treated and their recurrence is prevented.
In addition to aesthetic concerns, smile problems are also solved.
The tissues that support the teeth regain their former health.
To repair rotten teeth, to repair chipped or cracked teeth, to improve the appearance of discolored teeth, to close spaces between teeth, to make teeth appear longer, to change tooth shape, as a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings, a form of tooth root that is exposed when gums are pulled Bonding applications are made to protect the part.
Dental bonding practices are among the easiest and least expensive of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Unlike custom dental veneers, which must be produced in the lab, these applications can usually be done in one office visit, as long as several teeth are not involved. Another advantage over veneers is the removal of the least amount of tooth enamel. Also, anesthesia is usually not required to fill a cavity.
The lifespan of these materials for teeth depends on how much use is made and your oral habits.
These teeth do not have the same strength as your natural teeth, and some habits can shorten their lifespan. For example, if you tend to bite hard, you can break this material on the teeth. Also, if you drink or smoke a lot of dark beverages such as coffee or tea, the applied material will stain more quickly and will need to be replaced sooner. Typically, bonding applications last from three to about 10 years before they need to be touched up or replaced.