Ears play an important role in the harmony and beauty of the face. When it is very obvious, there is a loss in the composition of facial aesthetics. Even when the ears are protruding (very open) or large, there may be evidence when there is a condition known as macrotia.
Macroti is a condition of genetic origin and is characterized by an increase in ear size. On average, the ear is about 5.5 cm long, above this value is characterized by macro.
It is common to observe the growth of the ear as it ages, but in this case it is mainly due to an increase in the earlobe. In cases of Macroti, the ear as a whole expands and not only in adulthood, as in cases of enlarged lobes, but from adolescence.
Although it is possible to reduce the size of the ear, it is a surgical technique that should be avoided. The ear consists of a cartilaginous rim covered with a thin layer of skin. This situation may become apparent because the cartilage in the ear heals, irregularities appear in the places where the cartilage is resected, forming steps and the skin is very thin.
Therefore, in cases of macroya, a good option to reduce the appearance of the ear without necessarily shrinking it is to perform an otoplasty, as with protruding ears. By positioning the ears more closed, they become less visible, eliminating the need to leave marks on the cartilage.