Most patients seek hair restoration to correct baldness, hair loss, and even the absence of hair and hair on the body. But what to do when the wires breakdown is caused by the person himself? Trichotillomania is a disease that affects many people and is characterized by the necessity of pulling the hair strands and hair from the body that can leave serious sequels in the growth of hair strands and on the scalp. However, with the right combinations, hair transplantation is also very indicated and positive for these situations.
1. Psychological / psychiatric help should come before hair treatment
. Trichotillomania patients need adequate attention because there is a strain. There are several levels of the disease and so treatment may include medication, psychotherapy, ongoing monitoring, or whatever is most appropriate for the case. In general, people suffering from this ailment can pull the strings from anxiety, pleasure, and even pain. Embarrassment and desire to change the appearance are also common in the imperfections and hair loss that result from this. But be careful: If you identify with this strain, it is very important to seek psychological help before any hair treatment. Only then will the hair treatment be effective. Despite the damage and suffering caused by the disease, it is possible to control the discomfort and recover the hair. Therefore,
2. Hair transplant and implant can help If
this is the case of you or someone you know, and the desire to regain with a hair transplant or hair transplant is part of your routine, know that it is possible to do so. Before making a decision, it is important to talk to the specialist, find out what is bothering you, and understand the procedure. As well as a new life to hair, hair treatments (either transplant or implant) guarantee natural and non-invasive results. Treatments can be done in sessions (depending on the size of the cavities and affected areas), recovery is usually rapid, and the hair grows permanently after the first trimester. Do you think you are ready for treatment or do you have doubts as to which technique is best for you? Check out our frequently asked questions or pre-evaluate with our team right away!
3. Multiprofessional efforts: more positive outcomes In the
medical world, the number of specialists, treatments, diagnoses and ways of helping a patient are numerous. Cases like trichotillomania reinforce that healthcare professionals can work together to save the patient, both psychologically and in terms of self-esteem. If compulsive behavior creates guilt, shame, and requires a time of acceptance / adaptation, the absence and failure of the strands can also cause bad feelings. When trichotillomania is detected, the efforts of the hair restoration specialist and mental health professionals are essential for the patient to achieve more positive results. Ideally, as we discussed in the first heading, psychological / psychiatric help should precede hair treatment, because once the disorder is brought under control, the person stops pulling the hair.