Does hair loss occur after corona and can hair loss be prevented? Recovering from a coronavirus infection is a huge burden for your body. Dealing with the side effects of Covid-19 is very tough. One of the symptoms is hair loss. Although hair loss is a daily ordeal faced by many people, post-corona hair loss is different. Post-corona hair loss is not only a common occurrence, but also a worrying problem faced by many recovering patients. So how does post-coronavirus hair loss happen and what can you do about it?
A negative test is only the end of the battle after infection. Side effects and complications after Covid-19 affect daily life for many patients. Some of the persistent symptoms after an infection, such as coughing, muscle aches, and shortness of breath, usually subside gradually. Hair loss is usually a side effect that occurs later. After healing, hair loss occurs. It is an annoying side effect that occurs as a result of fighting the disease and fever.
Hair loss is not a classic symptom
Hair loss after corona infection is not a standard side effect. It is a situation that has been noted to be possible after the Covid-19 effect. In the past, it has been shown by experts that viral diseases and chronic health conditions affect the health of your hair growth. Stress from any of these infections is the main cause of hair loss. Viral infection causes reactions in the body. Infestation and acute infections interrupt the growth of hair follicles and cause more grafts than normal to enter the resting phase, resulting in hair loss. A weakened immune system and nutritional deficiencies are possible causes of excessive post-corona hair loss. Especially vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiency cause excessive hair loss.
Hair loss is a daily phenomenon that can happen to anyone. But if you lose more than 120 hairs a day, you may experience excessive hair loss. This happens for several reasons. Genetic factors can cause, among others. Stress, malnutrition, medical conditions, wrong hair care products and your age are the factors that cause hair loss. What corona patients experience is telogen effluvium, which is the result of stress and traumatic events. Telogen effluvium is known as sudden hair loss and affects people of all ages. Some doctors describe it as the result of a body reaction, such as a high fever. In a short time, the hair is shed in large quantities. It is noteworthy that hair loss usually occurs only after months. It is usually a temporary condition.
Mild to severe corona infections
Scientific research on hair loss and corona is still lacking at this time and there is uncertainty about who may suffer from this complication. Doctors assume that excessive hair loss is more common in people with mild or severe fate. In these cases, your immune system fights inflammation, complications, and fever. It is useful to know that even a single corona symptom such as fever can lead to hair loss months later. In addition to hair loss, corona has other consequences on hair health that can lead to brittle and brittle hair.
A healthy lifestyle is important for the health of your hair and scalp. Post-corona hair loss cannot be completely prevented, but it is possible to limit the period of hair loss by eating a healthy diet. For example, if you suffer from excessive post-corona hair loss, a diet rich in biotin and amino acids is helpful. Do not add too many nutritional supplements. It is better to research different values so that you know what deficiencies there are. Along with diet tips, doctors and experts suggest other changes to deal with post-corona hair loss:
Use mild shampoos and conditioners that do not contain harsh ingredients.
Be careful when applying oil to the scalp. This sometimes causes the skin to become clogged.
Use a wide-toothed brush or comb.
Regular scalp massages have a positive effect on good blood circulation in the scalp.