Hair transplantation has developed in recent years. This surgical procedure allows the hair to be implanted in a bald area of the scalp to combat hair loss. The first hair transplant in Japan came to light in the 1930s. Since then, implants are no longer done with this first procedure. Follicular extraction is one of the latest developments in the subject. So where was he born? What does this application consist of? Let’s take a closer look at what the pros and cons are.
What is follicular extraction?
Follicular extraction, also known as Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), is a relatively new technique considered in the public mind and more “less invasive” than previous methods of hair transplantation. This method consists of removing donor hair per natural follicular unit. In other words, using a small drill called a punch, the surgeon makes a small circular incision in the scalp at the back of the head and group one to three hairs to remove the hair follicles or grafts. It will be repositioned on the bald area of the skull. follicular units are then ranked according to their quality and the number of hair follicles they contain. They are then placed in a special storage solution cooled at 4 ° C and await repositioning after one to two hours.
Where does follicular extraction come from?
The first text introducing the term FUE for follicular unit extraction was written in 2002 by American doctors Rassman and Bernstein: “Follicular Unit Extraction: Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hair Transplantation”. A previous publication by the French expert Boudjema reported in 1996 on the automatic follicular extraction of grafts by suction: “Automatic Hair Transplant System: Boudjema technique”. Woods, an Australian doctor, performed follicular extraction in 1989.
These publications devoted to the scientific community presented the process in great detail and the FUE method gradually spread all over the world.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this technique?
Follicular extract is a process with some advantages. Because it is minimally invasive, it leaves hardly any marks on the scalp, except for tiny white dots embedded in the hair and hardly noticeable, provided the tool is used in the correct size . It is also fast to heal. Only small crusting occurs for ten days following the operation.
The FUE method allows grafts to be taken from a large donor area. It is even possible to use body hair for transplantation when the hair in the donor area at the back of the head is weak.
Finally, follicular extraction can be used to hide an old scar.
So what are the downsides? Since this is a very sensitive technique, the operation time is longer than a standard hair transplant. Also, depending on the patient’s skin type, this procedure is more or less easy to perform. Generally, the practitioner can perform up to 3000 transplants per day in a reasonable manner. For this reason, it is sometimes necessary to schedule a few days of operation to obtain a perfect density. Finally, keep in mind that follicular extraction most often involves shaving the hair on the back of the head, which can sometimes be a problem, especially for women who would prefer the strip technique.
Who is follicular extraction for?
Considering all these factors, follicular extraction is mostly reserved for men who want to wear very short hair in the donor area. As a matter of fact, it is not beneficial to have long hair to cover it as it does not leave a linear mark.
Follicular extraction is also a great way to correct an existing scar. Although the process takes longer, it is perfectly suitable as the area to be covered is not too large.
Finally, the FUE method is preferred in some patients with very weak donor areas and when other parts of the body need to be searched for transplantation.
Very strong hair transplantation with follicular extraction is the result of the latest technical developments and provides a high quality result provided that it is performed by a very experienced surgical team. For this reason, it is an ideal method for all patients who have moderate baldness problem, do not require many grafts and want to wear very short hair.